things are NOT as they seem

Anyone who has ever driven a car knows the side mirrors on a vehicle have a disclaimer: “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” God often teaches me through the simplest things, and He is faithful to stick to this method. I suppose it just shows that I’m a simple girl. So it didn’t surprise me when He spoke to me through my side mirror recently. He showed me that social media often works just like our side mirrors. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram should come with a similar disclaimer that says: “Lives displayed on social media may appear better than they actually are!” Continue reading “things are NOT as they seem”

Don’t Rely On Science

While I would never have thought of myself as a women struggling with infertility, the facts seem to say something entirely different. My husband Kam and I got married in college and found ourselves enjoying the married life. We truly were in no rush to have kids. I was completely unaware that having kids did not necessarily follow the ideas in our heads when we were planning the rest of our lives. I think if I would have known to fear the possibility of having children, I probably would have rushed the process.

Just us.jpg

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Thin Mints

The beginning of the year had arrived and it was time for our churchwide fast to seek God for the year. I had made a decision to enter a contest/accountability group that was following the Paleo lifestyle. We had to track food, sleep, water intake, exercise and vitamins. I was highly motivated because the top 3 winners would be awarded a free entrance to a color run. For those who have not done a color fun run, it can cost up to $40. Being the frugal girl that I am, I was ready to take on the challenge.

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Seeing Past the Giants!!

Joshua and Caleb are names that remind us of the importance of perspective. While 12 men were sent to scope out the promise land, Joshua and Caleb came back with a very different story than their 10 counterparts. Both parties gave accounts that included the good things in the land of Canaan. Both reports included exclamations of joy at the amount of milk and honey. So at what point did the reports take a turn? Continue reading “Seeing Past the Giants!!”