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Welcome to my blog/website/shop/online space!!!
My heart is to create one heart felt place to offer encouraging words, amazing skincare/makeup/lipstick products and whatever fun surprises Kam and I have planned. I truly love social media and all that it offers, but I want to change the atmosphere of how I communicate with you all!! Social media works off of the popularly known FOMO (fear of missing out!) Readers often feel an unnatural attachment to their screens to ensure they do not miss something pertinent as we have all been programmed to understand that the most recent post will soon be buried by something even more current. I want our site to be a place that you can bookmark and come back to later. No more missing out on family dinner conversations, bedtime prayers, or those real live people in front of you that are the most important. I have decided to create this space because I want to continue to offer encouraging words and this space ensures that I am in this with you for the long haul. As social media constantly evolves, this space will be a constant just like your parents waiting up for you when you were a teenager.