Just Beyond Fear – Part 1


Fear. It is limiting. It keeps you bound to living small. It is something God never intended. We recently introduced our boys to the movie, “The Truman Show.” Sitting here typing this article on fear, God brought that movie to my mind. In the movie, Truman is conditioned to not go beyond certain places by a very strategic amount of fear. His life is the plot of the movie. The audience watches him live while he is completely unaware. He is taught from a young age to be afraid of the water to keep him from leaving. He has this deep desire to explore, but the writers of the show literally work night and day to present the most negative ‘what if’ situations. It really is an interesting movie when you stop to think about it. I would not assume the writer meant for viewers to walk away with a deep understanding of fear, but the message is there. Continue reading “Just Beyond Fear – Part 1”