Taste and See


Taste and See


When our youngest son was in preschool, my husband would take him and drop him off at school on his way to work. On this particular morning, our little one was four years old and having a rough morning. His attitude was less than great. Kam, being the fun parent for sure, would often if not every Tuesday and Thursday morning stop on the way to the school to get him a donut.


On this morning our youngest knew his behavior did not warrant a sweet treat and was ready for the drive to land him directly at school. Kam made that extra turn and stopped in the parking lot of the donut shop. He looked our littlest in the eyes and said, “I am not getting you a donut because you are good, I am getting it for you because I am.” It was a huge moment for both of them. Our son realized that our love for him was not based on his behavior. Kam’s goodness for him was always available.


Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”

This verse reminds me of this moment. Because it is about donuts? No. Well maybe. God’s goodness is not dependent on our good behavior. His goodness just is. Period.


It is a simple message and yet hard to metabolize, just like that sugar filled donut. But oh how good it is.