In Everything Give Thanks – devotion out of “Encouragement Between Loads of Laundry”

Thankfulness. It is a discipline, a choice, a habit, a way of living, a journey, a process, intentional; and it is not always easy. As parents, we try to teach this quality to our kids. Before bed and even before prayer we talk about what we are thankful for. At the top of the list—and sometimes our whole list—is health; warm, comfy beds; food; water; and, of course, our family.
But what happens when we don’t have those things? What happens when the necessities are not present to be thankful for? Can we still be thankful? I suppose to answer that question we should ask someone who has gone without those essential parts of life. I am that person. I can answer that difficult question.

As a twelve-, almost thirteen-year-old girl I faced that very question. I was faced with the knowledge that my mom had cancer. She fought the disease for years. One week before my 17th birthday, I started my senior year without my mom. Suddenly, my simple list of thankfulness had been devastated. When one item off that list of essentials is gone, it is hard to recognize that you still have the others.
Surviving such a huge loss taught me a lesson about thankfulness at a very young age. How could I be thankful? To really find thankfulness, I had to go back a step. Why did I miss my mom so deeply? I missed her because she was such a gift. She was beautiful, fun, loving, fun (Did I already say that?), and truly such a joy to be with. As I thought about memories that I was holding on to with all my might, I realized I could be thankful for having her in my life. Thankfulness requires us to remember! We must purpose to set our minds on the many blessings in our lives. What about those people that are like Job in the Bible? That have lost everything. They must remember the promises of God.
The children of Israel experienced miracle after miracle but still found themselves grumbling about what they did not have in the present moment. They struggled to remember all that God had done. If they could simply remember what He had done, they could move to a place of thankfulness! The Bible says we will go through hard times. We are not exempt from life’s difficulties, but we know, we remember, and we are thankful for God’s presence in our lives.
If you are in a season that leaves you feeling without, meditate on God’s Word and His promises. They will last forever!

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. -Psalm 77:11 (ESV)